Terenski preizkus: PV moduli

Primerjava v resničnem svetu med enojnimi, poli, PERC in dvojnimi PV moduli.

Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Skupni izkoristek sončne energije: --
Datum namestitve: 09-03-2020

* This is a field test and the results are specific for this installation on this location please research which is the best solution for your own situation as the results can be different based on environmental influences.

Total solar yield as of 27/03/2023 when the results were reset:
Mono: 9158 kWh
Split-cell: 9511 kWh
Poly: 9113 kWh
Perc: 9471 kWh
Perc-east: 1970 kWh
Perc-west: 1730 kWh


Garancija in popravila

Po desetletjih obvladovanja energetskih izzivov z inovacijami, vemo, kako ustvariti široko ponudbo robustno povezanih izdelkov, ki delujejo tudi v najostrejših podnebjih. Navedeno vam bo v kombinaciji z našo standardno 5-letno garancijo zagotovilo brezskrbnost več let. Če se kljub temu pojavijo težave, pa ste lahko prepričani, da so naše hitre in pravične storitve popravil, ki jih ponujamo prek naše globalne trgovske mreže, vedno na vaši strani.

5-letna garancija

Možnost podaljšanja na 10 let

Victron Energy offers 5 years standard warranty on power products except on our batteries: on lead-acid batteries we offer 2 years warranty and 3 years on Lithium*. This is upgradable to 10 years by an additional 10% of the initial investment. Contact your dealer for more info or submit a dealer support request for the handling of warranty cases. * This warranty may be provided by Victron Energy's direct customers or directly by Victron Energy and is subject to the following warranty policy.


Globalna servisna mreža

Naši pooblaščeni trgovci vam morajo zagotoviti navodila za hitra in učinkovita popravila. Zanašajo se lahko na našo obsežno, globalno servisno mrežo, ki tudi najbolj oddaljena območja pokriva s hitrim in poštenim servisiranjem.


Create support request

Before you send a support request for support, repairs or warranty cases, please mind the following for fast handling:

The manuals are checked for troubleshooting and error indications

A system check is performed and the results can be shared

This way your dealer can better diagnose the issue and provide a quicker solution more easily.

Based on your product’s serial number we connect you to the original dealer, who is responsible to follow up on your request. After submission of the request you will receive the dealers contact info and you’ll get to review your support experience.

Create a support request